Posts Tagged ‘ladle dryer’
Ladle & Tundish Dryers & Preheaters for the Metals Industry
What are Tundish & Ladles? Dryers, Preheaters, & Dryer-Preheaters? The function of ladles and tundishes in the metal industry and the purpose of dryers/ preheaters is discussed below: Since 3000 B.C. people have been casting and molding metal, originally to make weapons. Today, metal casting and molding is not only used to manufacture weapons, but…
Read MoreNEW Metals Industry Equipment Video on YouTube
Stelter & Brinck designs and manufactures a hybrid of metals industry equipment: ladle dryers/ preheaters, tundish dryers/ preheaters, scrap dryers-preheaters, aluminum sow dryers, paste heaters, and SEN/ SES preheaters. We also provide specialty equipment, combustion systems and conversions for steel and aluminum applications. To withstand tough mill conditions, our metals industry equipment is designed to…
Read MoreYouTube Video: Ladle & Tundish Dryers, Preheaters & Dryer/ Preheater
We’ve published another YouTube video! This video focuses on our ladle and tundish equipment for the metals industries. Stelter & Brinck manufactures dryers, preheaters and a combination system, dryer-preheater for refractory. Not only do we offer multiple burner systems, but low emissions options are also available! Watch our newest video to learn more:
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