If you are planning for your 2024 plant budget, include Stelter & Brinck! Below are our process heating equipment & service offerings:
- Indirect Fired Air Heaters
- Direct Fired Air Heaters
- Thermal Oxidizers & Afterburners
- Catalytic Oxidizers
- Steel & Aluminum Equipment
- Ovens & Furnaces
- System Integration
- Combustion Systems
- Upgrades/ Rebuilds/ Retrofits
- Combustion Field Services
- Combustion Equipment Parts
Here is what a couple of our customers had to say:
“Anyone looking for the type of equipment S&B provides would be making a mistake to look anywhere else for their needs.” – Plant Manager, An Industrial Fabric Bonding Company
“I’ve been dealing with Stelter & Brinck for 20 years- they have provided the highest quality work, year after year!” – Director of Engineering, A Temperature Measurement Manufacturing Company
If you have any questions, or would like more information on our process heating equipment or services, please call us at 513-367-9300 or visit www.stelterbrinck.com