Catalytic Oxidizers
Stelter & Brinck Catalytic Fume Oxidizers are a type of air pollution control system used in HAP or VOC laden air streams that are free of catalyst fouling agents or poisons. Typical industries include: aluminium and steel, bakeries & food processing, textile finishing, and plastics & polymer. Our catalytic oxidization systems are complete with controls. Our prewired and prepiped assembly make this industrial air pollution solution “plug and play” for the user.
Our catalytic fume oxidizers are available with heat recovery or without heat recovery.

Installed Stelter & Brinck Oxidizer

Installed Catalytic Fume Oxidizer

Catalytic Oxidizer
All of Stelter & Brinck’s air pollution control equipment is designed to be easy to use and install. Our catalytic oxidizer features:
- Control panel with annunciator, PID digital temperature control, FM approved high temp limit, flame safety relay, main power disconnect, and control transformer. UL 508A priced per request.
- Remote control interface capability for use with PLC or DCS systems available
- Build to meet your construction and destruction efficiency standards
- Test fired and tuned prior to shipment
- On-going maintenance of your oxidizer and other combustion equipment available
Stelter & Brinck pollution control systems are a product of more than 95 years of industrial combustion experience. These environmental systems feature:
- EPA destruction efficiency compliance guaranteed
- Fully packaged and ready to install
- Oxidizer control system included
- Energy efficient design with primary heat recovery available
- Heavy-duty construction
Applications of less than 20% LEL can benefit from our energy saving recuperative catalytic oxidizers. If your emissions stream is void of potential fouling agents or poisons, our catalytic units may be the perfect match. Catalytic oxidization units operate between 650°F and 750°F; resulting in lower fuel costs than thermal oxidizers when combined with our 50% to 72% effective heat exchangers.
- Burner access door
- Test platforms available
- Process fan with TEFC motor
- CE ratings available
- Emission inlet with purge air tee damper available
- Catalyst access door
- Prewired
- FM, NFPA, or GAP (IRI) approved pre-piped valve train
- 50-72% efficiency heat exchanger shell and tube manufactured by S&B
If your emissions stream is void of potential fouling agents or poisons, our catalytic fume oxidizer may be the perfect match. Catalytic oxidization units operate between 650°F and 750°F; resulting in lower operating costs then thermal oxidizers.
- Flow control damper
- Process fan with TEFC motor
- Purge air damper and emission inlet
- Skid mounted packaged units are prepiped, prewired and test fired prior to shipment
- FM, NFPA, or GAP (IRI) approved valve train
- CE ratings available