Thermal Oxidizers
S&B’s Thermal Fume Oxidizers are for industrial odor, fume, or emissions abatement applications. Some industries that employ thermal oxidizers include: adhesive, aluminum and steel, asphalt, bakeries, chemicals, coatings, electronic part manufacturing, plastics, pulp and paper, wood products manufacturing and more! These industrial pollution control systems are complete with controls and offer the utmost convenience with prewired and prepiped assemblies.
Our Thermal Fume Oxidizers are available with heat recovery or without heat recovery.

Oxidizer with Heat Recovery

Thermal Oxidization Unit - Industrial Pollution Control System

Installed Thermal-Oxidizer with Railings

Direct-Fired Thermal-Fume-Oxidizer

Thermal Fume Oxidizer
S&B Thermal Oxidizers are designed to be easy to use and install, among the features offered are:
- Control panel with annunciator, PID digital temperature control, FM approved high temp limit, flame safety relay, main power disconnect, and control transformer. UL 508A priced per request.
- Remote control interface capability for use with PLC or DCS systems available.
- Built to meet your requirement (FM, CE, GAP, NFPA or CSA construction standard).
- Test fired and tuned prior to shipment.
- On-site start-up and on-going oxidizer maintenance available.
Our industrial pollution solutions are a product of more than 95 years of combustion experience. Our S&B thermal oxidizers provide unmatched performance in your application.
- EPA destruction efficiency compliance can be guaranteed.
- Fully packaged and ready to install.
- Oxidizer control system included.
- Energy efficient design with primary heat recovery available.
- Heavy-duty construction.
Benefit from our energy saving recuperative thermal oxidizers.
- High efficiency shell and tube heat exchanger manufactured by S&B
- Nozzle mixing burner with dedicated combustion air blower
- Flame peep sight with cooling air
- Package combustion system, prepiped and prewired
- Valve train built to meet your requirements (FM, CE, GAP, NFPA or CSA construction standard)
- CE ratings available
- Rugged unitized skid with built in lifting lugs
- HX access door
- Purge air damper
- Integral process blower with TEFC motor
These pollution control systems are designed to take advantage of the high-efficiency contribution of concentrated streams.
- Process blower; insulated and skinned
- Rugged unitized skid with built in lifting lugs
- Flame peep sight with cooling air
- Package combustion system, prepiped and prewired
- Valve train built to meet your requirements (FM, CE, GAP, NFPA or CSA construction standard)
- CE ratings available