What to consider when purchasing an Oxidizer

A large machine in a warehouse with pipes.

Are you in the process of looking for new or replacement oxidizer? Do you need an oxidizer to destroy your industrial emissions? Are you looking to rid your industrial air stream of foul odors? In need of an afterburner for your high opacity stream?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may be unsure of where to begin and what information to collect before contacting an OEM. Below is a list of some of the basic questions Stelter & Brinck asks when customers call in with an industrial air pollution control system application.

  1. What is your name? Company Name? Contact Information?
  2. Where is this unit being installed?
  3. Number of sources under consideration?
  4. Is this an independent source operation?
  5. What is the SCFM per source?
  6. What is the total SCFM?
  7. What is the emissions temperature?
  8. What is the emissions pressure?
  9. How many days per week do these units run?
  10. What utilities are available at your plant? What is your electric voltage/phase/hertz? Natural gas PSIG? Propane PSIG? Do you have Fuel Oil No. 1 or No. 2?
  11. What is your elevation?
  12. What’s your winter low temperature and summer high temperature?

While you may not be able to answer all of these questions, Stelter & Brinck is always happy to discuss your environmental system application with you. Feel free to visit us or visit our website: https://stelterbrinck.com/oxidizers.htm