Looking for Process Heat Equipment or Combustion Service/ Parts?

A page of various industrial equipment and machines.

Does your plant need combustion equipment? Do you need a reputable company for your burners’ maintenance and required safety checks? Are you in need of a combustion equipment parts vendor? If you answered “Yes!†to any of the questions above, partner with Stelter & Brinck for your combustion needs! S&B can provide you with following…

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Mining Company Testimonial

A collage of different types of industrial equipment.

For seven generations, a family-owned New York mining company has produced the world’s highest quality garnet abrasives and powders. Since 1878, these high-performance garnet abrasives have been mined and milled from a unique crystalline hard rock deposit. The company’s products are used in applications such as waterjet cutting, blast media, bonded and coated abrasives, and…

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Is your Equipment Reliable?

Two pictures of a factory with pipes and machines.

Backed by our in-house engineering team, our experienced service technicians can bring your combustion equipment up to NFPA standards through the following: Preventative Maintenance/ Burner Tune/ Safety Checks Field Rebuilds Retrofitting Repairs Upgrades Customer Success Story: Situation A global leading supplier of fiber-reinforced composites, realized that the air heaters for each of their 5 oven…

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Where is heat used in Lime Manufacturing?

A diagram of the process of producing oil.

In our last post, we discovered that cement manufacturing utilizes limestone. Therefore, we decided to focus on lime manufacturing this week! Originating with its earliest use as building mortar, lime has many end uses today: steel manufacturing, asphalt, plaster, sugar refining, wastewater treatment, and many others! Lime Production Infographic The National Lime Association has provided detailed lime…

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What’s the difference: Direct Vs Indirect Fired Heaters?

A graphic showing the different types of air heaters.

What is the technical difference between direct fired and indirect fired? In terms of process air heaters, what are the features, benefits and applications of direct fired vs indirect fired? Direct Fired “Direct Fired†means just that; the burner is fired directly into the process air stream to heat it. Air heaters that are direct…

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Fluid Bed Dryers & Process Air Heaters

A diagram of the electrical system for a house.

The fourth and final type of dryer that we will discuss that utilizes air heaters is a fluid bed dryer (or fluidized bed dryer). According to Wikipedia: â€œA fluidized bed is formed when a quantity of a solid particulate substance is placed under appropriate conditions to cause the solid/fluid mixture to behave as a fluid.†Fluid Bed Diagram…

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Spray Dryers and Their Heat Source

A diagram of the process of spraying drying.

We have discussed flash and rotary dryers; the third type of industrial dryer that uses a process air heater for hot gas generation is a spray dryer. Spray dryers are known for distributing a consistent particle size and are the most prominent drying system in the food and dairy powder industries. Powdered colors, inorganic chemicals, insoluble organic…

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What Type of Air Heater Do Flash Dryers Utilize?

A diagram of an industrial process with the air dryer and the mixer.

As we mentioned last week, there are 4 main dryer systems that use process airs: rotary dryers, pneumatic/flash dryers, spray dryers, and fluidized bed dryers. This week we will focus on pneumatic/flash dryers (we will refer to them as flash dryers). Flash dryers make up some of the largest dryers in the world! These dryers are…

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