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A picture of two different types of air flow.

Indirect Air Heater for Small Footprint

A product of more than 100 years of process heat equipment experience, our vertical indirect...
A brochure of the thermal oxidizer with heat recovery.

Thermal Oxidizer with Heat Recovery (TFO-HX)

Features: Control panel with annunciator, PID digital temperature control, FM approved high temperature limit, flame...
Two large industrial boilers with a yellow piping system.

Paste Heater: Gas-Fired Heaters for Electrode Paste

Are you in the smelting industry? Do you have electric paste heaters on your melter?...
A man working on the inside of an industrial machine.

Time to Maintain Those Oven’s Burners!

‘Tis the season for cookies galore! As the days get shorter, and the Holidays near,...
A turkey with a sign that says happy thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!

A large industrial machine with yellow pipes and controls.

Industrial Air Heater Vs. HVAC Air Handler

What is an industrial air heater? How is it different from HVAC equipment? What is...

2023 Food Drive Results

At the beginning of October, Stelter & Brinck hosted our 9th Annual Food drive, benefiting...
A large machine is shown with pipes and valves.

Thermal Oxidizer Case Study

Hard drive manufacturing is a highly sophisticated and ever-changing market. For the market leader of...
A certificate of equipment acceptance from usda.

Stelter & Brinck Indirect Fired Air Heater Accepted for use by USDA Dairy Program

Looking for an indirect hot air source for USDA dairy applications? After a thorough evaluation,...
A page from the 2 0 1 4 heating equipment catalog.

Planning for 2024?

If you are planning for your 2024 plant budget, include Stelter & Brinck! Below are...